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Privacy policy

1.- WHO ARE WE? 
  • Holder: STROHM BATHROOM SOLUTIONS S.A. (hereinafter STROHM).
  • NIF: A07005473
  • Business address: C/ Ses Teixidores, 19. Pol. De Son Llaut, 07320, Santa María del Camí, Mallorca.
  • Contact telephone number: 971870210
  • Email address: 

By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user (hereinafter the “User” or, as the case may be, the “Users”) is informed that the personal data provided via the website on URL (hereinafter the “Website”), shall be processed by STROHM, in addition to any data arising from User browsing and any other that the User may provide in the future. 

The User must carefully read this Privacy Policy, drafted in a clear and straightforward manner to assist comprehension; the User may then determine, freely and voluntarily, whether or not to provide his or her personal data to STROHM. 


The data requested in the Website forms are of a general nature and mandatory (unless otherwise stated in the specific field) for the purposes for which they are collected. 

Therefore, if such data are not provided or are not provided correctly, User requests may not be met, notwithstanding the free viewing of certain Website data by the User.   


The User’s personal data shall be processed by STROHM for the following purposes: 

  1. To manage the registration of the warranty associated from the purchase of a STROHM brand product: to manage the registration of the product purchased by the User, as well as provide any services arising therefrom. 
  2. To manage product repair requests:  to manage and process requests for the repair of products purchased by the User, as well as the provision of such services.
  3. To reply to issues raised by the User via the contact channels in place: manage, process and reply to requests, applications, incidents, complaints or consultations made by the User via the various communication channels made available.
  4. To carry out quality and satisfaction surveys: Questionnaires to the users on quality and satisfaction regarding the products or services provided by STROHM. 
  5. To manage promotions: manage User participation in competitions, draws and other promotions, as well as announce any winners and presentation of prizes. 
  6. To send marketing communications to the User: send marketing communications to the User on STROHM products and services, by electronic and/or conventional means, unless the User has expressed his or her opposition in the box provided for this purpose in the “Repairs” and “Warranties” forms, or has NOT ??? granted consent in the box provided for this purpose in the contact forms or any others on the Website. 
  7. To keep the User informed of STROHM news on its Social Media profiles: if the User should become a follower of STROHM on its Social Media profiles, he/she shall be able to see any communications posted by STROHM. Should the User not wish to continue receiving such STROHM news on Social Media, he/she must unfollow the STROHM profiles.
  8. To fulfil legal obligations: When the processing is necessary to meet a legal obligation arising from Spanish or European Union law that is applicable to STROHM (i.e. tax regulations).  

STROHM may process the following User personal data:  

  1. Registering the warranty arising from the purchase of a STROHM product: 
    • Identification details: first name, surname and DNI [Spanish Identity Number].
    • Contact details: email address, telephone number and postal address.
  2. Managing product repair requests:
    • Identification details: first name, surname and DNI [Spanish Identity Number].
    • Contact details: email address, telephone number and postal address.
  3. Responding to issues raised by the User via the contact channels in place:
    • Identification details: first name, surname and DNI [Spanish Identity Number].
    • Contact details: email address, telephone number and postal address.
    • Other data:  any other details that may be provided by the User. 
  4. Performing quality and satisfaction surveys:
    • Identification details: first name, surname and DNI [Spanish Identity Number].
    • Contact details: email address, telephone number and postal address.
    • Data on transaction of goods and services.
    • Other data: any other details that may be provided by the User. 
  5. Managing promotions:
    • Identification details: first name, surname and DNI [Spanish Identity Number].
    • Contact details: email address, telephone number and postal address.
    • Other data: any other detail that may be necessary to take part in the promotion.
  6. Sending marketing communications to the User:
    • Identification details: name and surname.
    • Contact details: email address, telephone number.
  7. Keeping the User informed of the novelties of STROHM on Social Media profiles: details on User profile, as well as any others that are made expressly public. 
  8. Meeting legal obligations: Any detail that may be required by law. 

When the User should provide third party data, he/she expressly declares having obtained their consent and/or sufficient legitimacy to this end, further undertaking to make available to them the information contained in the Privacy Policy, thus saving STROHM harmless from any liability in this regard. 

Notwithstanding the foregoing, STROHM may carry out any appropriate checks to confirm this fact and apply any necessary due diligence measures, in accordance with data protection regulations.  


The grounds for legitimate interest for processing of User data by STROHM are set out in the contract entered into between the parties, in addition to, as the case may be, the fulfilment of legal obligations as well as requested consent, which may be withdrawn at any time. Specifically, STROHM processes User data in accordance with the following legitimate interests:

  1. To manage the registration of the warranty associated with the purchase of a STROHM product: The legitimacy of the processing of data for this purpose is the fulfillment of the contractual relationship. 
  2. To manage product repair requests: The legitimacy of the processing of data for this purpose is the fulfillment of the contractual relationship.  
  3. To reply to the issues raised by available contact channels: The legitimacy of processing of data for this purpose is the consent, which the User may withdraw at any time. Should the User withdraw consent, the issue raised will not be handled.
  4. To perform quality and satisfaction surveys: Processing of data required to perform quality and satisfaction surveys is based on the legally recognised legitimate interest of the data controller, that is, STROHM. 
    This legitimate interest is based on the capacity to offer Users both goods and services from STROHM, with the highest possible levels of quality and expertise 
  5. To manage promotions: The legitimacy of processing data for this purpose is the consent granted by the User upon acceptance of the legal terms and conditions of the promotion. On the other hand, the legitimacy of processing required for the designation of the winner and the award of the prize shall be the fulfilment of the contractual relationship.  
  6. To send marketing information: The legitimacy of processing for this purpose when the User has provided his or her data via the “Warranties” or “Repairs” forms is the legitimate interest of the data controller recognised by the Data Protection Legislation (RPGD), whereas if the User provides his or her data via contact forms or any other forms available on the Website, the data processing shall be based on consent. 
  7. To keep the User informed of the latest news of STROHM on Social Media profiles: The legitimacy of data processing for this purposes lies in the consent granted by the User when he or she becomes a follower of STROHM on social media.  
  8. To fulfill legal obligations:  The legitimate grounds for all data processing carried out for this purpose shall be the fulfillment of a legal obligation. 

Consents obtained for the aforementioned purposes are independent of one another; the revocation of an individual consent by the User shall therefore not affect the remainder.


The User personal data shall be kept by STROHM for the following periods: 

  1. Data provided to manage the registration of a warranty of a product purchased by the User: the data provided to manage the registration of a warranty of a product purchased by the User, as well as to provide any associated, shall be stored for a period of 10 years. After this period, the data will remain blocked during the prescriptive period set out with regard to any legal action arising therefrom.
  2. Data used to manage product repair requests: the data used to manage requests for repair of products purchased by the User shall be kept for a period of 5 years. After this period, the data will remain blocked during the prescriptive period set out with regard to any legal action arising therefrom.
  3. Data used to reply to any issues raised through available contact channels: the data shall be kept for the time required to manage and to reply to the request and, thereafter, during the prescriptive period of any legal actions arising from said request.
  4. Data used to carry out User quality and satisfaction surveys: shall be kept for a period of 3 months.
  5. To manage promotions: the data shall be kept until the prize is awarded and, once this has taken place, for the prescriptive period of any legal actions arising therefrom.
  6. Data used to send marketing communications: the data shall be processed for this purpose unless the User objecting thereto should revoke his or her consent.
  7. Keep the User informed of STROHM news on Social Media profiles: the data shall be processed for this purpose until the User ceases to follow STROHM profiles on Social Media.
  8. To fulfill legal obligations: The data provided to fulfill any legal obligations arising from the services provided by STROHM shall be kept for the legally established periods.

User personal data may be passed on to:  

  • Public Administrations: when set forth by law to fulfil a legal obligation.
  • Courts, when set forth by law, to fulfil a legal obligation. 
  • The companies within the corporate group of STROHM, for administrative and business management purposes, pursuant to the legitimate interest recognised in Whereas Clause 48 of the Data Protection Law.  

One of the purposes for which STROHM processes the personal data provided by Users is to send them marketing information with data on products, services, promotions, offers, events or news that may be relevant to the Users, as well as the STROHM Newsletter. 

Should the User wish to stop receiving marketing or promotional information from STROHM he or she may deregister from the service via the link shown at the bottom of any marketing communications received. 


The user warrants that he or she is over the age of eighteen (18) and that the data provided to STROHM are true, accurate, complete and current. To this end, the User shall be held liable for the veracity of all the data provided, undertaking to keep the information current and reflecting his or her actual situation.  

Likewise, the User warrants that that he or she has informed any third parties whose data has been provided, if any, of the aspects contained in this document. The User further warrants that he or she has obtained the authorisation from such third parties to provide their data to STROHM for the intended purposes. 

In any event, the User shall be held liable for any false or inaccurate information that may be provided via the Website and for any damages, direct or indirect, that may be caused to STROHM or third parties. 


As the owner of the data, the User may write to STROHM to the address indicated in this Privacy Policy, or by email to the address:, attaching documentary proof of identity, at any time and free of charge, to exercise any of these rights: 

  1. Right of Access:
    The User shall have the right to be informed by STROHM on whether or not his or her personal data is being processed, having access to such data and to receive information on the purposes for which they are being processed, the categories of data affected by processing, the recipients to whom their personal data have been provided and the period for which such data will be kept, among other information. 
  2. Right of Rectification and Cancellation:
    The User shall have the right to request the cancellation of his or her personal data provided the legal requirements have been met, and to the rectification of any inaccurate data involved when, among other reasons, such data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were obtained. 
  3. Limitation of processing, revocation of consent and total or partial opposition to processing:
    In certain cases (for instance, in the event of the user challenging the accuracy of the data, while this is being verified), the User may request the limitation on the processing of his or her personal data, to be used only to defend their claims. 
    The User shall also have the right to revoke any consent granted and to object to the processing at any time, for reasons related to his or her specific situation, should the processing be based on STROHM legitimate interest or that of a third party (including processing for direct marketing studies and preparation of user profiles). In this case, STROHM shall refrain from processing the data except when proof of legitimate reasons is provided. 
  4. Data Portability:
    The User shall have the right to receive any personal data that has been provided to STROHM in a structured, common and readable format, and to transfer such data to any other data processing controller without impediment by that controller who provided them, in all cases legally set forth for this purpose. 
  5. Automated individual decisions:
    In addition, as well as the above mentioned rights and in the event of automated decisions being made, including profiling, the User shall have the right to obtain human intervention by STROHM and to express his or her point or view and to challenge the decision. 
  6. Other:
    Similarly, when personal data are transferred to a third country or international organisation, the User shall have the right to be informed on how to access or obtain a copy of the warranties concerning said transfer. 
    In addition, the User may file a claim regarding the protection of his or her personal data addressed to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos at C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 – Madrid), when the party concerned should deem that STROHM has breached his or her rights as recognised by data protection legislation. 

At all times, STROHM shall process User data as strictly confidential and observing due secrecy thereof, in accordance with what is set forth in the legislation of application, implementing to this end any measures of a technical or organisational nature required to ensure the safety and security of the data and prevent their unauthorised alteration, loss, processing or access, taking into consideration the technology available, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.   


STROHM reserves the right to review its Privacy Policy when deemed appropriate, informing the Users when this should take place. For this reason, we ask that you regularly check this declaration of privacy in order to ensure you have the most recent version of the STROHM Privacy Policy.


The User declares that he or she has been informed of the personal data protection terms and accepts the content of this Privacy Policy. 

Last update: 1 November 2021.